Back to School Means Back to Class For Your Dog!

The kids are settled into their school routine. Now it’s time to think about your dog’s training needs.

2014-08-23 17.29.08 HDRWith the kids being home from school during the summer, your dogs could have been begging, jumping on doors, nipping or using teeth when playing, or a variety of other bad habits without you even knowing. Training classes help redirect and show you that if a situation does occur, how to correct it by using positive reinforcement.

You may even want to think ahead to the holidays. They aren’t that far off.

It’s extremely hard to have family and friends over when your dog isn’t receptive to visitors. When I adopted two of my rescues it took years for my male dog to let anyone in the house other than my parents and I. Holidays were always at other family member’s houses because Pete would become aggressive towards anyone he was not used to seeing on an everyday basis. It was not until we had a trainer come to the house and work one on one with the dogs, my parents, and I to show us how to deal with unfamiliar situations for Pete.

I was in middle school when we adopted Pete so I always wanted to have friends over. It was hard and made it almost impossible because Pete was protecting his house and doing what he thought was his job. Training not only helped Pete but it helped my family become receptive to the signs associated with Pete’s feelings. If we would not have reached out and gotten help we might still be in the predicament we were years ago where no one was able to come over.

Training classes like those at Cold Nose Lodge teach the dogs, and show the owners how to understand and work with their dogs. It is important that bad habits get corrected quickly and don’t get positively reinforced.

Training classes are also a good way to spend time forming a better relationship with your dog. You are investing time in each other and that time turns into trust. Whether your dog is a puppy, adult rescue, or class enthusiast, Cold Nose Lodge welcomes all dogs with open arms. Good manners and trust go a long way and with our variety of class lists to choose from we know classes will always be in session!

To find out all of the classes, dates, and times Cold Nose Lodge has to offer visit our website at, call us at 610-965-3647, or stop by to discuss what route you may want to take. Our trainers and staff are great and will gladly discuss what class would best suit you and your furry companion!


-submitted by Laura K of Cold Nose Lodge